Commelinaceae in Chaingmai Thailand

Commelina benghalensis Commelina diffusa Commelina nudiflora

Streptolirion volubile Cyanotis fasiculata Murdannia japonica

Murdannia simplex Murdannia gigantea Murdannia clandestina

Murdannia nudiflora Murdannia bracteata


I am not familiar with the following Commelinaceae plants. If you have any information about them, please

contact me.

 0.8-1 m high. leaves 20-25 cm long x 8-10 cm wide.                               ↑hairy fruit.

 50-80 cm high. flower 1.5 cm across. leaves 10-13 cm long x 3-4 cm wide.  hairy bract.  ↑seeds

 30-50 cm high. flower 1 cm across.  glabrous bract.                                  ↑ seeds

 15-20 cm high ( ascending). flower 1.2 cm across  andromonoecious.    5 seeds / fruit

 10-30 cm high.  infloresces subtended by foliaceous glabrous bracts. flower 1 cm across.  ↑seeds

 10-30 cm high. leaves 3-10 cm long x 0.2-1 cm wide. infloresces subtended by foliaceous pubescent   

 bracts.  flower 1cm across.

 20cm high.  leaves 10 cm long x 4 cm wide.  inflorescences terminal.  3seeds / fruit.   ↑ seed
