Fine structure of a flower   Cochliostema odoratissimum 2

Flowers: staminodes 3, anterior, medial one vestigial, lateral ones densely bearded, lacking an anther;

stamens 3, posterior, filaments fused, with a dense dorsal tuft of yellow hairs, anthers enclosed within 

a columnlike structure composed of broadly expanded connectives of the lateral stamens, the connectives

each terminally drawn out into a narrow tube with a terminal pore; seeds exarillate, biseriate, hilum linear,

embryotega dorsal (R. B. Faden).



columnlike structure (side view)


filaments fused, with a dense 

dorsal tuft of yellow hairs

yellow tuft hairs and columnlike

structure with a slit and brush-

like structure


connectives each terminally drawn

out into a narrow tube with a 

terminal pore surrounded hairlike 


below side of columnlike structure 

with a slit and densely bearded



3 anthers: 1 anther is in the center, 

 2 anthers are right and left 

sides on the inner wall  of the 

columnlike structure

one anther attached back of 

brushlike structure with short



two anthers attached back of

 both upper slits of columnlike 



3 anthers (filled with white pollens) helical structure with 4 rolls each  a pistil : ovary (white)

a pistil and 2 hairy staminodes the tip of the pistil : stigma the cross section of ovary, 

6 embryos are seen

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