Cochliostema  odoratissimum 1

 about 100cm tall

inflorescences axillary thyrses with

cincinni subtended by large colored bracts

6-7 inflorescences are in the bracts



bracts start to open

bracts color change from green

to beige

the first flower begins to open

flowers zygomorphic, fragrant; sepals sub-

equal; petals unequal, margins fringed


buds form a line on the helical peduncle




the flower is like a flying bird 

with a big bill (a bigger pink sepal seen

in the center), two wings (two equal 

petals) and a tail (a longer petal)

the flowers often turn to the same direction

because of flowers opening at the top of 

helical peduncles

the flowers look like flying birds in flocks

 young green fruits

fruits made by artificial pollination



embryotega on seeds




List    Cochliostema 2