Palisota pynaertii

30-50cm tall


an inflorescence  has many  flowers


buds are wrapped by

hairy soft bracteoles

a bract at the base of the inflorescence inflorescence has flowers of various stages one flower
flower has 3 sepals, 3 petals, 3 stamens,

white hairs (staminodes?), 1 pistil

a stamen that has reddish anther 


2 stamens that have yellow 


yellow anther stamens have short filaments


both sides of reddish anther stamen


pistil that has hairy ovary

was brown

The case of this species ,  the pistil of the flower became brown.  Only buds have normal pistils. Pollens have not 

been matured yet at bud stage. This means that effective pollination is not occurred. Some buds have openings

 between the petals and the stigmas are seen from them, so it might be occurred to pollinate the stigma with other

flowers' pollens.  But it is expected that the fertility of this plant is very low. Actually this plant has no seeds this year. 

pistil and stamens of a bud fresh pistil at bud stage immature stamens at bud stage
young flower has not opened the petals 


reddish anther hasn't produced 

pollen at this stage

yellow anther has already produced

pollen.  the pistil is already brown

late stage flower's petals bend outward reddish anther has produced pollens pistil is brown
one inflorescence has flowers of each stage

from young to late flower ( from left to right

in the picture) The bud have openings and 

the pistil is seen from that

another inflorescence that has no 

openings between the petals



soft brown hairs are seen on the

pedicels    The hairs look to be

removed  at flower stage

