Callisia  fragrans

Callisia fragrans is very interesting. Their buds are made from the tip of the peduncles downward.

But the almost all flowers of many peduncles of the plants in the green house or the garden open 

simultaneously. It looks like as if they communicate when the flowers should open.

inflorescences terminal

clusters (compound)  of flowers

cluster of young flowers

cluster size is still small

buds are made toward margin 

in a cluster, central brownish 

parts are old dead flowers

1 flower: 3 sepals, 3petals              

6 stamens  and 1 pistil


The length of a pistil is about half 

of a stamen 


stamens most of an anther, connectives

only two edges of anther, pollens


stigma ovary cross section of an ovary

young stamens in a bud

young pistil in a bud

filaments coiled in late stage of  


Callisia fragrans Variegata

inflorescences terminal

(the middle of January 2007) 

Callisia fragrans

inflorescences terminal

(the middle of January 2007)

C. fragrans Variegata

buds are made from the tip of 

peduncles downward(2007/2/10)

C. fragrans Variegata

all buds of the peduncle 

becoming same stage


C. fragrans Variegata

all flowers of the peduncle open

simultaneously (2007/3/7)


C. fragrans Variegata

one cluster of flowers



C. fragrans Variegata

all flowers open simultaneously on the branched 

peduncle (2007/3/7)

the upper: C. fragrans (dark purple peduncle)

the lower: C. fragrans Variegata (green peduncle)

both of the flowers open simultaneously (2007/3/7)
