Commelina africana

This species has bigger bracts

than other Commelina.

male flower on an erect pedicel and

bisexual flower on a lateral pedicel

white hairs on an erect pedicel


male flower


bisexual flower


A male flower has 4 staminodes

and 2 stamens

3 X-stamens (staminodes) of

the male flower

inverted V-stamen (staminode) of

the male flower       one side

inverted V-stamen (staminode) of

the male flower    another side

O-stamens of the male flower

both sides

A bisexual flower has 4 staminodes

, 2 stamens and 1 pistil.

3 X-staminodes of the

bisexual flower

inverted V-staminode of the bisexual

flower      one side

another side of the previous

inverted V-staminode

both sides O-stamens of the

bisexual flower

pistil stigma

ovary that has white hairs

