Callisia  repens     itsy-bitsy inch plant

C repens is unfertile plant that has no seeds  about 20cm tall    creeping plant flowers (bisexual flowers) on the top part of the peduncle  flowers that have only pistil (female flower) on the base part of the  peduncle
bisexual flowers have longer stamens than pistil flower size about 12 mm   stigma seen at the base of stamens (bisexual flower)
young stamens       young stamens and pistil of a bud petals curls outward
stamen's filaments,  stigma and curled petals young anther late stage anther    pollens have already been come out 
 stigma of female flower  ovary of female flower that has  incomplete stamens (no anther) left:   pistil of bisexual flower   right:  pistil of female flower 

These three Commelinaceae are similar to Commelina repens ,  but I have not known the species names yet          If you know them  please let me know

